Erikson’s Theory of Psychosocial Development,first published in 1950,described stages of development eight stages a person has to go through to achieve health. Each stage is characterized by a crisis that either creates or damages a person’s personality. This theory is based upon Freud’s psychosexual stages as well as social influences. It has been criticized for its generalizations but it remains an essential part of mental thinking. It has also been useful in changing the way we see middle and late adulthood as periods of active personal development rather than an opportunity to survive.

The initial stage,called infancy,spans from birth to about 18 months. In this stage,the infant is completely dependent on their caregivers. The infant learns to trust their caregivers by being able to observe how they respond to their needs such as comforting and feeding. This is crucial to the development of their self-esteem,as well as their sense of security.

The stage of toddlerhood is Erikson’s next stage of psychosocial growth and is a period of time that spans from 18 months and 2 years. This is when the child’s confidence in themselves develops. The way they succeed or fail in this process will have an impact on the development of their personality. The child who fails to overcome their feelings of shame or doubt will face these issues throughout their lives. But,when a child is able to successfully complete this phase,they will be able to establish intimate relationships later on in life.

Preschool is the third stage in Erikson’s model and occurs between ages 3 and 5. In this age group,children are learning to connect with others,as well as an increased sense of self-confidence. This is the time when teachers and parents should concentrate on fostering positive and encouraging relationships with their children. Positive interactions encourage independence in children,and provide guidance and support. The negative actions,like negativity or indifference,could damage a child’s confidence and self-esteem.

The elementary school is the fourth stage of Erikson’s theory and is a period between 6 and 12 years of age. It is at this point that a child starts to feel the pressure of being accepted by other people such as their teachers and classmates. It is at this point that a child begins to develop their sense of industry or their ability achieve goals and accomplishments. Teachers who praise and encourage their students will help them build a sense of confidence and confidence,and they will not have the urge to assess their capabilities against other students.

In the middle of adulthood,people are often focused on their careers and families,but this is also an age when people start to think about their own mortality. Many people feel regrets about actions they’ve performed or did not do. A person who can overcome the difficulties of this phase is likely to enjoy a satisfying and rich retirement. However,if they do not overcome these challenges and face an unplanned crisis in their mid-life that could lead to serious mental health issues.